all in one day!
Today is a day of many good things!
1. I just finished the schoolwork that was due tomorrow, all I have to do is mail it to my professor.
2. I did a perm. A curly perm. And it came out wonderfully! I may not be a beauty, but at least my hair looks gorgeaus!
3. A package is waiting for me to pick it up at the post office.
4. Finally, I bought a new mascara. Much needed!
5. My finances seems to be solved, hopefully I´ll get my money in a week or two.
6. My parents gave me some money (they thought I´d starve...), 1000 SEK (135 USD) - thanks a lot!
7. The pattern publishing.
8. I heard from Jenn in Japan - the swap is on!
9. I´m not in my very un-comfy shoes anymore - yay sneakers!
How´s that for a day´s work?! I definately needed a pick-me-up day! Finally the karma-thing payes off!
I´ll get published!
sanrio from singapore

Since I love Sanrio and I love felties, I think this book is wonderful! There´s only a little Hello Kitty, but there´s many of her friends, Keroppi, Little Twin Stars, My Melody to name a few. Unfortunately not available at YesAsia, so I feel very lucky to have been given this book!
cuteness from Singapore

I made some very vegan treats for Momo yesterday, from one of the books I got yesterday. Quite nice, if I may say so myself. In my new book, I found something thet would fit very nicely in Pei´s next package, I just may have to get working on it when I get home...
I bought some trim for Tania´s bag, I may keep it, or I may make a new one. I can´t make up my mind!
at least I don´t have PMT!
Long gone are my family too. I´ll miss my youngest sisters, hopefully they´ll move closer sometimes. The good thing with sisters that much younger, is that we didn´t fight much growing up, so we never had to work through that later, when we became older.
I look forward to Bazar on TV tonight. I saw the rerun of last program last night, and I liked it. Very me. And if you wonder what "me" is, it´s cheap solutions, thrift finds, mixing styles and time periods and making it very personal. When I´m all done at home (whenever thet is) there will be elements of the 50s, 60s and
70s, some kitsch, some north african/east indian, some black/white combinations and some self made ideas/solutions. I´m partly there, but there´s a lot missing to. It´s an ever growing process.
As my previous post said, I got Japanese craft books today. Yay!
I found a great link at Hanna´s, you MUST go check out Twinkie´s Fridge!
I´ve sewn a bag and purse for Tania, but were having doubts about both. Today I made another purse, and feel very good about that decision. Now I have to decide if the bag needs to be remade too.
I got books!

Filled to the brim with cute little felt mascots, this books is a bargain for $5.75. Monkeys, dogs, cats and frogs are just a few of the pretty stuff you can make, and I like them all. Good buy!

There´s not one thing in this book on felt mascots that isn´t absolutely lovely! There´s of course the felt toilet, even better is maybe the felt kitchen supplies (fridge, microwave oven, pots and food), dolls with changable clothes and hair. Everything is a must do, and I will definately make me some. The shrimp is on the list!

A whole bunch of little felties, key rings, mobile accessories, covers of stuff (book, mobile phone, scissors...). Very nice indeed!

Gorgeaus felt animals! Very detailed and well made. There´s the wolf burying it´s pet, the orchestra, mouse painters and baseball players, just to mention a few. This is definately one of my favourites, and if making felt mascots is your thing, you must have this!
expecting packages
Hoping for a package tomorrow. YesAsia-books is on the way, so is package fron Lizzy (still!) and Alvina in Singapore and Genevieve from Washington, my SP8 spoilee, who thinks I deserve some nice stuff. Possibly is package from Melanie, my SP8 spoiler on it´s way sometimes soon, I´m expecting my last package from her.
That was more on the positive side!
I found a new swap that sounds fun, this vintage swap. I have too much fun with GYS at the moment, but later, maybe. I love vintage stuff, thrifting and great finds. At home, my coffee table, livingroom rug, kitchen table and book shelf are all thrift-finds, all from the 50s/60s. Lovely things, lovely decades! 70s are good to, and for clothes I love the 20s, but that´s hard to find. I got a black beaded flapperdress, but it´s so fragile, I can hardly touch it without beads falling off. But it´s gorgeaus, and a true find, I didn´t even pay $20 for it!
Now I listen to this. How great are crafty podcasts!?!
I better get moving on Momo´s package, October is coming up.
fab place and some animal loving
I´m hoping my finances is untangeling, hopefully in time to pay my rent and bills. I would very much like to have a roof over my head, and some money to swap for. By the way, Alvina got her package, and says she liked it. Goody!
I want a dog! The family dog (a collie girl named Frida) was so happy to see me yesterday, even though the cats may be happy too, they never show it like that: licking, tail-wagging, barking... You feel like the most special person in the world. Although it feels really special when the cats both comes to bed with me, too. I could not bare not sleeping with my cats, and if anyone ever asked me to choose between them or that person, the choice is easy.
fabric, Jap craft and some vacuuming...
I made Pei her Moomin pin cushion, all I need to do now is figure out the rest of her package. There´s no hurry, we´re not swapping again until november sometime. I found fabric for Tanja too. Actually it is a vintage fabric from my stash, which I´d forgot that it was so nice. It will begome a pillow for a birthdaypresent for a friend, too. And there´s still some left for me! Some will become a bag or two, some maybe a big pillow, maybe something else. I like the fact that it´s laying there, waiting for a good idea or two.
I re-read one of my Jap craft books yesterday, this one:

I got some un-expected money today, not much, but a nice surprise!
I got to clean my apartment when I get home, partly because the cats make dustbunnies (dustdinosaurs!), mostly because my family may drop by at any moment, from tonight and througout the weekend. My dad´s a fussy visiter - he wants his coffee (he´ll get instant) and he want a clean apartment. It´s always tidy (more or less - it´s craft stuff and magasines all over every table), but since I don´t mind dust, well, out comes the vacuum cleaner. Actually, I don´t mind a freshly cleaned apartment either...
weight-stuff, mostly
You know, I was really looking forward to see that new TV-program yesterday, to end a bad day with something good. Well, guess what?! No TV. At all. Out of order! How typical is that! I ended up reading all night instead, and the book was rather good, but I felt deprived.
I started reading Dr Phil´s "The Ultimate Weight Solution" too. For someone who says that his way is totally diffrent than anything else you´ve ever tried, and that this will work, he sounds a lot like every other weight loss book I´ve ever read. And that´s a few, since I´m always looking for the ultimate solution. At the moment, I feel like I´m doing something right, it´s easy, I don´t weigh or measure things, no counting, I eat until I´m full - it feels like I could go on like this permanently. I just eat my usual vegan diet (without the cheating), cutting out bread and pasta. I allow myself to eat candy, if it´s from abroad (no wonder I love these Gimme Your Stuff-swaps!) or if it´s vegan. And when I need a push, I watch or read "You are what you eat", which works very well with me, since it´s maybe not entirely vegan, but close, and makes a lot of sense (in my ears at least).
a lot of crappiness.... and some things good!
Good thing: My parents, sister(s) and dog are coming this Thursday, and it´s been a while.
Another good thing: A new interior decorating program, Bazar, starts today, and it sounds like I will like it. Fingers crossed!
Great thing: Books from YesAsia is on their way, they should arrive in the beginning of next week. Yay!
mushrooms, IKEA and Chinese food
We went to IKEA yesterday, and I got my bdaypresent from my sister, a gift certificate at IKEA for 300 SEK (40 USD), which became fabric and thread, and my friend Malin bought me lunch (Indian - yummy). So a nice day was had, and very much on the cheap side for me.
Thread meant that I finished some felt pastries and then made me some felt cookies (not that good).
And now we´re off to eat dinner, Chinese, which is usually very good, but at this restaurant there´s only one thing I eat, so that can get a bit old sometimes. Chinese restaurants in Stockholm are much better, with sometimes up to ten dishes to choose between.
zakka from japan

It´s not a big book on the outside, but it´s big on the inside! So many good ideas (why haven´t I thought of letter shaped cushions before?), such nice lay-out. I really liked this one, and more in the series is a must!
spoiled rotten

The one with the bags have been a "want" for a while, the others are browse-discoveries. Hoping for some good ones! (Am actually quite sure of it - can you go wrong with Japanese craft books?)
Anjali, Kwoozy and her birthdaypackage, Charlene, Catherine, Babs and Lizzy.
moomin-shops? anyone?
I´ve started on Tania´s package, though we´re not swapping until the end of October. I see, I forgot to tell you, I´m doing a swap with Tania from Portugal. I´ve seen what she´s sent, and there´s some nice stuff there! Anyway, she´ll get a Moomin pin cushion, but not like the one Anjali got. Anyone knows where to buy Moomin-stuff in Stockholm? I know there´s some at Junibacken, but anywhere else?
So far, the only bdaypresent I´ve got is from Pei (birthdays suck when you´re older), but sister Linda has promised me money to shop Japanese craft books at YesAsia. Yay! Sometimes you actually DO get what you wish for!
screw me!
Unpleasent monetary surprise: got over 2000 SEK ($300) less than expected. That screws up a lot of plans! Mainly buying food and paying bills. Happy Birthday to me....
I got lucky!
From Pei I got my bday-swap-package, all home made (almost). A Moomin pin cushion, a fabric origami box, a daruma in felt, a sewn purse and a Cookie dough KitKat (how good doesn´t that sound?).

From Anjali I got a Jap craft book, Handmade Zakka (so nice!), the cutest fabric, buttons even cuter, and very Japanese KitKats (aduki bean, fruit parfait and french bretagne milk), and the little bags she put things in were just as great as the package itself.

Thank you, both! I loved every single thing (in fact, now I´m going home, to enjoy everything in full)!
system break-down?
I found Alvina - goody! Swap is on!
Also swapping with Mayumi in October/November.
Making Christmas presents. Very early, I know.
Very hungry, must go home to make lunch. Can´t communicate in sentences.
how disappointing!
One who got her stuff, is Anjali, who says she liked the package I sent her. Goody! Her package to me is on it´s way and so is Pei´s bdaypackage. Nice things to look forward to!
I´ve got another swap on the go, with Momo in Japan, we´ll do it in October, which is actually perfect. I got a swap request from Alvina in Singapore too, but can´t write her at her blog, hopefully she´s coming back to my blog, and gets in touch again.
What else? Oh, it feels like fall here! It´s a bit chillier (but not enough), it´s windy and I´m wearing jeans without sweating to death. Yay! And I´ve got Christmas cravings already, a bit early, I know. But thinking of presents early never hurts, and I´ve got some ideas. And if I decide to go handmade, earlier is better.
I´m babysitting my 2-year-old nephew tonight. Fortunately I´ve been watching quite some nanny-programs this last week - he´ll never know what hit him!
may I cry a little?

I very hastily throwed together a bday present today, a croched scull keyring, for my friends son, who´s ten today. Hope he´ll like it! I like the fact, that I can bring a present, despite my empty purse, I guess thet´s the wonderful thing about being a crafty person...
Anybody´s got any ideas on something to serve on bday, without flour, eggs and such things? The only thing I can come up with is fruit salad, and that´s so done!
felt abusing, age ranting party pooper... who? me?!
I had dinner at my sister´s last Saturday, it was a genuine girl´s night, with good food, some drinks and lots of fun. Everybody went out afterwards, but me, I went home to my bed, a book and my cats. Don´t in any way pity me, it was my choice, I can´t think of any better way to spend the night. Party animal is not my middle name! But I had a nice evening, so thank you sis!
I can´t believe I´m turning 32 next week... I liked 30 better, 32 sounds so much, then I´m soon 35, and then 40 is knocking... can you turn 30 every year, until you retire?
Oh, did you see - I´ve posted some package pics! Scroll down, and you´ll find them!