I´ll get published!

A while ago, I submitted a pattern (for scully socks) to the new Stitch n´Bitch book, but unfortunately I didn´t make it. BUT, I was asked to be part of a calender instead. I´d get paid a little and I´d get a free calender, and I´d be published! Of course I said no. Nah, just kidding, obviously I said yes! Now I´ve got to go home and work on that sock pattern, I just sent the idea and a picture of the scull pattern to S´n´B. The only thing is, I´m not that at home with American yarns, I hope they can solve that. YAY! Something good comes my way!

Postat av: Shelby

Congrats!! That's awesome news!

2006-09-29 @ 15:08:43
URL: http://shelbyknits2.blogspot.com
Postat av: Genevieve

That's so great!

2006-09-29 @ 16:55:35
URL: http://www.princessgenevieve.blogspot.com
Postat av: kwoozy

yay!!! fantastic news ! congrats!

2006-09-30 @ 13:07:28
URL: http://kwoozy.blogspot.com

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