cinnamon buns
Swedish Cinnamon Rolls from Janice
100 g (6 2/3 Tbsp - 15 g = 1 Tbsp) margarine
2 c milk
2 cakes fresh yeast
1/2 tsp. salt
2/3 c. sugar
2 tsp. ground cardamom
5 1/4 c. (13 deciliters) bread flour
1 egg for brushing on top of rolls
5 Tbsp margarine melted
1/4 c. sugar
3/4 Tbsp cinnamon
Melt margarine; add milk and heat to body temp. Break up yeast cakes in large mixing bowl and pour enough to melt yeast and blend evenly. Blend rest of liquid. Add salt, sugar and cardamom.
Gradually add flour (about 1/2 - 1c. at a time ) setting aside approx. 1/2 c. Work dough (around and back and forth, front and back) until it release from the sides of the bowl (with a whisk or wooden spoon). Sprinkle with small amount of flour, cover and let rise 30-40 min. Using rest of flour, kneed dough until rollable. Divide into 4 parts. Using rolling pin, roll each fourth into rectangles, about 10-12 inches. Brush with filling mixture. Cut into 10 strips, 3/4 inch. Roll each strip into a bun and set on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper (4x5 to a sheet). Cover and let rise 20 minutes. Brush tops with beaten egg. Sprinkle with pearl sugar (Janice has friends bring her from Sweden). Bake about 5-7 minutes at 475° until tops are golden brown. Makes 40 rolls.
daylight savings time...
Yesterday we gained one hour, as we changed into daylight savings time, and that hour got me up early out of bed, so I made my sister a bag for her bday (on Xmas Eve, poor thing...). I´m going to make a scarf to go with it, and then she´s done. Then it´s just all of the other stuff on my waiting list...
Went to IKEA yesterday, they´ve got a whole bunch of "wants" now, small things and big. I got glass swans for my Xmas tree, and some zebra print wrapping paper. I could easily spent a whole lot more money there...
I know it´s early, but I can´t wait!
Am I a bit early, or right on time? Here´s some Xmas stuff I really like, anyway. I want my Xmases to be white and pink, a bit on the kitschy side, and with a very Danish twist. The white plastic Christmas tree is the one I´ve got, I´d wanted it for years, and bought it last Xmas, and love it. Everyone I told about my white plastic tree were very sceptic, but when they saw it, all decked in white and pink, they all agreed that it was beautiful. I actually can´t wait to get it out! But I just love the month before Xmas, sometimes before New Year´s, all the decorations are put away, then I can´t stand them.
I´m hoping for nice surprises in the mail, package from Jenn in Japan is on it´s way, and so are books from Bokus, this years S´n´B calendar and a book on vintage accessories. I love vintage and I love accessories, how can this go wrong?
It´s time to get Pei´s package together (the third!). I´ve got some ideas, and I hope she does too. Myself, I´m getting presents from her trip to Singapore, and kawaii from Singapore is great, I know from experience.
It´s actually only two months til Xmas, can you believe it? Better get working on those gifts...
shop yourself pretty - all on the net! Cheap fashion, jewellery and beauty, inspired by fashion icons like Sienna Miller and Kate Moss. British. These are some of my likes:

Mint & vintage Vintage clothes and accessories (fairly priced), as well as new design. Fun stuff! Swedish. I like these:

Accessora Beauty, scents and accessories that may be hard to get your hands on otherwise in Sweden. Swedish. How can you not like a site, that greets you like this:

this´ll be the last one for the day, I promise!

scully socks update
kurikuri from Japan!

I actually expected these KuriKuri-books to be smaller, being so cheap, but it was thicker than I expected, and filled to the brim with the cutest ideas. I so loved this book, and will buy many more in the series.
japanese treats!

fashion role model

the devil wears prada (unfortunately I don´t...)

I went to the movies the other day, I saw The Devil wears Prada. I think I liked it (I may have to see it again to really decide), but I know I didn´t like how they portrayed Miranda Priestly, with a tough extierior, and a softness deep inside. In the book, there´s definately no soft spots in Miranda, and that´s how I like her. But, what I loved, of course, is the fabulous clothes, where the great Patricia Field (who also did the wardrobe of Sex and the City) did the styling. Can she ever go wrong?
worst week of the month...
samhain issue
I just wanted to share with you - a new issue of the AntiCraft is out now! Go take a peak! It may not be my favourite issue, but it may be yours!
some links from the dark side...
Knit yourself a Jack Skellington
Punk rock gift exchange
Make a haunted gingerbreadhouse
Crochet an eyeball
The dark-mark-bag
Stigmata Knits
Jack Sparrows favorite socks
Shop Emily the Strange

I want this gorgeaus tattoo!

Found these lovely bats, too.
halloween´s up soon!
Another reason, I think, that I love Halloween, is that it´s also the Wiccan new years eve, Samhain, and Wicca is the closest thing to a religion I´ve found. Christmas for me is not about the birth of Christ, but instead it´s Yule, celebrating the Winter Solstice, and the return of light.

a sockwork orange
If there´s anyone out there, who has been reading me for a while, you might remember my green shawl/scarf, that never got finished, because I couldnt find the yarn I needed. Well, no more. I found my yarn! The shawl will be perfect for autumn/winter/spring - it´ll be large, green and fuzzy, with fringe and beads. Lovely, I hope. And it´ll be finished!
backlash and somethings completed
I´ve been taking some pics today, so if you scroll down a bit, you´ll get to see them, there´re some swap pics, and some finished stuff.
I´ve almost finished my felt toilet, the only thing missing is the towel, and I think it worked out quite nice. It´s a bit crooked, but not too bad. It looks like this, what do you think?

Can you tell, that pink´s my favourite colour? How are you doing on yours, Pei? Did we say that it´d be finished in october?
I took a picture of my felt pastries, too. I don´t really like the choc chip cookies, mostly because they don´t look like it.

And a picture of my lovely alpaca mittens:

fashionable reads

They´re both on fashion and personal style, one of my big interests. The first one is more on your personal style, and the second one is more on style in general, and the style of the rich and famous. I think they will live very happy in my "fashion-books-shelf"!
UPDATE: The books are in Swedish, and not available at Amazon, sorry, guys. But there´s a lot af good fashion books in English, we need to have at least something for ourselves...

A book on knitted and crocheted things, for your home and for you. I need to take another look at this one, to decide what I think about it, but at first impression it looks good.

A wonderful book on handbags and purses and other related things. Very nice! I can´t say anything I don´t like (I just picture the maybe´s in diffrent fabric, and presto! - I like!), but I really love the bird bag and purse. Love those! If you´re stuck in a rutt, and need some new ideas, or simply are crazy for bags - buy now!

This was not what I expected, I saw purses on the cover, and expected something like that, but instead this was a book on embroidery. Some things were nice, some ideas I may use, some things were just not me. But for less than $5, I don´t mind buying this one.

A tiny book, judging by the cover, but filled on the inside, with pretty felt mascots. Favourites are the dough-nuts and the Eiffel tour.
feels like Christmas!
And - yesterday I got some great books from YesAsia. Goody!
and to think I was going to throw them away!
UPDATE: I got some compliments on the skirt at work, that´s good, and I looked in a mirror, and I looked taller and thinner in my new skirt, and that´s great! So my new jeans-skirt is definately a keeper!
I went to Stockholm this weekend (what´s new?), did some shopping with my sister (how I love Odd Molly - gorgeaus clothes, with a handmade/vintagy feel to them) and went to the Historic museum (nice, but felt to big). An ok day, all together! Oh, and I ate a ridiculus amount of candy, it was long time ago! And I could tell immidiately - my stomach wasn´t happy, and the day after, my face broke out in zits. It tasted marvellously, but wasn´t worth it, at least not in that quantity!

A bunch of Odd Molly-loveliness!
for you alternative crafters out there

the good, the bad and the ugly - all in one day
My bday-books from YesAsia is on their way, they should arrive in the beginning of next week. Yay! I especially look forward to the bag-book, I need some new ideas, and that one is filled to the brim with good ideas and great bags. How I love bags!
I´m working a couple of hours today, that´s perfect. One should only have to work two hours every day, and still get payed a lot. Does anyone know where I can find such a job?
My jacket is getting baggier - that means I´m getting smaller! YAY! And I don´t feel I have to sacrifice anything either, cutting out flour/bread took away most of my cravings, even my PMT-cravings, how great is that?! And I still eat my chocolate, only it´s the dark kind, I had dessert yesterday, at my friends bdayparty, and I´m getting smaller! How perfect is that?
I need to buy shoes! I don´t have any shoes (except for two pairs of sneakers on the verge of melt down) that I can actually walk in, and there are no black shoes. I need shoes!

Which got me thinking about Christmas presents, I think I´ll make a bag and matching scarf for my little sister, my step-mum is getting a scarf and mittens, my dad gets socks - I need to start working, if they´re going to get it for Xmas!
I just had my hair cut, am not totally sure I like it. I wanted it wild-in-the-woods-y, and it came out way too close to frumpy and middle aged. I´ll have to see how it turns out when I´ve had a go at it at home. Now I´m not so sure... It may have been better before the haircut, even if I had some issues then too. But frumpy it wasn´t. Here´s a glimpse of the do. It´s dark and it´s curly, and that´s all you get to see...

thumb out...

How great is that?! But the only toilet museum I´ve found isn´t Japanese (how strange is that?!), but Indian. The only thing I´ve ever heard about Indian toilets, are that they are more like a hole in the ground than anything else. But I can be wrong, that has happened before (believe it or not!).
kawaii or goth? personality crisis!

Japan is a very good place to turn to, either way. They have both the gothic stuff, and they are the home land of kawaii. I found, that I need to shop for new clothes. Somehow the all-black that was my closet a few years ago, has transformed into colour and prints. I need some black stuff! Is it the up coming fall that brings out the inner goth, or Halloween just around the corner? Or is it just me, missing the good times we had in my teens (when I was very goth and punk), thinking some black can send me back in time? But I think my mind is very goth, my prince charming would definately be a vampire, one of my dream careers is as a pathologist, and I still loves the Sisters of Mercy and the Cure. I just sent for a comic subscription, a Norwegian comic called Nemi, a girl that´s definately goth:

Maybe the closest thing I can get to show you how the inner me looks like. Most of the time, my outer me looks more like this:

But my skirts are a bit longer. I told you - schitzofrenic!
More great gothic stuff:

bag emergency!
I decided I needed some badges too, and remade some old, boring ones. A coat or two of nailpolish in a nice colour, and done! I added a stencil frog on one, and that was nice too. But very smelly - stay close to an open window if you try this at home!
I customized an already customized skirt too. Before, I´ve shortened it and sewn on a ribbon and bow, now I added a tulle edge. Very nice. I´m thinking of adding perhaps some lace and some more tulle. Maybe. But that little tulle really made a difference, in a positive way. I actually wear it now, with too small pantyhose, so they keep falling down - how annoying....
good things comes to those who waits!

This morning I got a nice surprice too - a package from Genevieve, my SP8 spoilee. Filled to the brim with pretty Hello Kitty, dark chocolate from Trader Joe´s and other lovely things. That really made my day! Thanks a lot Genevieve!

I actually went to my sister´s house to take pictures and show you (I have three packages waiting to be photographed), but there was no one home. I really need to fix my phone problem, so I can call ahead...