kawaii or goth? personality crisis!
I´ve got very schizofrenic taste. One one side, I love pink and sparkly and cute - kawaii, that is. On the other side, my taste is very gothic - black, victorian, vampires, heavy make up (but I don´t do the white face-red "blood"-black stripes in the corner of my mouth - not so pretty - I like pretty goth), sculls (I love sculls, they are the perfect shape I think). This gothic lolita Hello Kitty pretty much sums it up:

Japan is a very good place to turn to, either way. They have both the gothic stuff, and they are the home land of kawaii. I found, that I need to shop for new clothes. Somehow the all-black that was my closet a few years ago, has transformed into colour and prints. I need some black stuff! Is it the up coming fall that brings out the inner goth, or Halloween just around the corner? Or is it just me, missing the good times we had in my teens (when I was very goth and punk), thinking some black can send me back in time? But I think my mind is very goth, my prince charming would definately be a vampire, one of my dream careers is as a pathologist, and I still loves the Sisters of Mercy and the Cure. I just sent for a comic subscription, a Norwegian comic called Nemi, a girl that´s definately goth:

Maybe the closest thing I can get to show you how the inner me looks like. Most of the time, my outer me looks more like this:

But my skirts are a bit longer. I told you - schitzofrenic!
More great gothic stuff:

Japan is a very good place to turn to, either way. They have both the gothic stuff, and they are the home land of kawaii. I found, that I need to shop for new clothes. Somehow the all-black that was my closet a few years ago, has transformed into colour and prints. I need some black stuff! Is it the up coming fall that brings out the inner goth, or Halloween just around the corner? Or is it just me, missing the good times we had in my teens (when I was very goth and punk), thinking some black can send me back in time? But I think my mind is very goth, my prince charming would definately be a vampire, one of my dream careers is as a pathologist, and I still loves the Sisters of Mercy and the Cure. I just sent for a comic subscription, a Norwegian comic called Nemi, a girl that´s definately goth:

Maybe the closest thing I can get to show you how the inner me looks like. Most of the time, my outer me looks more like this:

But my skirts are a bit longer. I told you - schitzofrenic!
More great gothic stuff:
