nice weekend

I had a really nice weekend. Friday night, we celebrated a co-worker turning forty, with plenty of good food, fun and games. Saturday I went to Stockholm with my sister, I didn´t buy anything, but found lots of nice things, but mostly it was good to spend some alone time with her, it doesn´t happen a lot. And Sunday I went to IKEA with a friend, they didn´t have what I wanted to get, but it was nice never the less. But it was a nice weekend!


I think - hope - I will recieve a book package today, that´s very good, very anticipated, but - must there be such a high price to pay? Last night it hit me - struck me? - like a lightening bolt: my back went out, just like that. So I didn´t get much sleep last night, I was in PAIN, so this morning I went in search of a doctor, but with no luck. But I got myself some strong painkillers and some pain gel, and it feels a tiny bit better. But I don´t look forward to a few hours in a car tonight, and even more hours in the same car tomorrow - ouch! But - if there are books in the mail, that will make me feel a wee bit better.

good stuff!

I put on my jacket yesterday, for the first time in a while, and it´s getting really baggy, and my jeans are literally falling off my hips - really good I think, especially since I´ve only lost about 6 kilos so far, and I can´t see any difference yet. Feels good - I love it when my clothes are getting too big!

I just saw a friend, for the first time in a while, and she´s having a baby! Totally unexpected, I must say. I have to find something absolutely adorable to make for her baby. Hmmmm....

poor, poor me...

My throat is sore, my head is aching - and I have to work this weekend. All I feel like doing is curling up at home in front of the tv, knitting (socks possibly). I just might have to comfort myself with some candy, I know that will cheer me up a bit. And then I´m heading home again, to my tv, and my knitting...

I got tagged!

Kwoozy just tagged me, and all I have to do is list 7 random things about me, and then tag 7 more people. This is actually my first one, so bare with me.

1. I have three tattoos, a scarab on my right ankle, a ball of yarn on my right wrist and a bird (butt ugly!) on my left upper arm. The bird will become a black, rather shaggy wolf, I am going to make bats and a bat-catching girl on my back, and a whole lot of stars on my right arm. And when that´s done, I´ll probably make some more!

2. I love vampires but hate horror movies. I actually never saw any Chuckie-movies, but had horrible nightmares about him. But give me a vampire movie any day, and I´m happy! I wish that I could, somehow, become a vampire.

3. I am the eldest of five sisters. Go figure.

4. I can read the same book lots of times, and the same with movies. For me, it´s no different than listening to the same song more than once.

5. And speaking of songs, I love Indian banghra and Bollywood.

6. If I had to chose one thing to eat for the rest of my life (ok, two), it would be Swedish crisp bread and chocolate. Man can´t live on love alone, but on crisp bread, no problem!

7. I hate strawberry flavoured foods - jam, cordial, icecream - anything that´s not actual strawberries.

I´m tagging

have I been abused?

Last night I found this huge, purple bruise on my upper arm, it looks like I have been man-handled severely, but I have no idea how I got it. I think I should remember hurting my arm that much - it must´ve been a real blow for it to leave such a mark. One of life´s mysteries, I guess...

I hoped for a bunch of fun mail today, and got none. Fortunately, I believe that good things comes to those who wait!

mmmm! she says, with a blissful sigh

It feels like summer today, it´s sunny and warm, even the wind is warm. The air smells so nice from the blossoming trees, the grass and trees are green, and a whole bunch of flowers are in bloom - could I ask for anything more in a day? Ok, a package when I get home, but then I would be completely satisfied!

I deserve a pick-me-up, I think!

I am soooo tired, I went up at 4.20 this morning, and went to work at 5. My teeth are aching (the still move a bit sometimes, even though I´m past thirty!). My feet are slightly moist, from the wetness outside. I had oatmeal for lunch today, as well as dinner and breakfast yesterday. My pay won´t cover all of my bills. Don´t I deserve a package or two in the mail when I get home? I think so too.


You know it was just  matter of time - I had to start a knit blog! You´ll find it at malinmerino in my links, and the thought is to save the fiber-related for that blog, and keep the cute, Japanese stuff here. If there´s any links you´re missing here, look over there, if I haven´t removed them altogether, that´s where you´ll find them - if they´re fiber-related, that is. I moved a couple of interior links to my interior blog, malinmöblerar (means "malin decorates"). And I´m adding more links as well - I like the thought of dividing them.

I will look good, eventually!

I just got back from Stockholm, from a trip to the plastic surgent (!!!!!!!!). No, nothing drastic, I just removed one of the moulds I tried to get removed before, but they (and I) were´nt happy with the result, so I had it thouroghly removed today. I will get a scar, maybe an inch or so, but fortunately I don´t mind scars. Actually, I like them, they tell a story about who you are, and what you´ve done. I have a scar since I´ve fallen when mountain-climbing, I have a big scar, left by my late cat, I have a cigarette bun, made by my uncle, I have scars since operating my wrists... I think a life lived without scars, is not a life lived to the fullest. Just my humble opinion. But right now, I´m sore, with a big plaster in the middle of my forhead - not that attractive.

I could definately not afford it, but when I stumble on Cram Cream, I have to go for it, so I bought three totebags, one with trucks, one with pigs and one with letters. There were big bags with trucks also, but there was no way I could squeeze out the money for that one. Hopefully there will be bags left, the next time I go there, I need to buy for swaps, and there were lots of other swap-worthy things there as well. Good shop!

hopefully this means more money

I got another job! Not a new job, but one more, at a gas station, hopefully I get lots of work (I will work hours when they need me), which would mean that I get more money than now, since the pay is better. Yay!

I got some money today (unfortunately they are pretty much gone already...), and I found some things for swap packages, nice things I must say. I haven´t figured out recipients for all of them, but I´m sure they will fit in some package, since they are really kawaii. I´ve discovered that it´s a really clever thing, to stock up on great swap presents when I happen to stumble upon them, especially since kawaii is a rare thing here in Sweden.

me being creative

I had an urge to make stuff this week-end, so I turned an old, brown, 70s-looking bread tin into a pink, vintage-y, 50s-feeling, cupcake-y candy tin. I´m so happy with the result (even though I should have placed the cupcakes an inch lower...), I´ll show you pictures later.
I also finished a Moomin thing for Sara in Minnesota, for our June-swap.
And I´m almost done with Belle´s package, I´m just waiting for some dotted felt to arrive, and hope to send it next week.

another blog for me!

I just started another blog, all about beautiful interiors, malinmöblerar, it´s in Swedish, but I hope to post lots of pretty pictures, so you might want to give it a go anyway.

just a quickie...

I keep losing weight, but today I have a sudden craving for sweets, and gave in to it with a couple of pieces of dark chocolate. I blame it on yesterday, when I had sweets (only a couple) for the first time in about four weeks. I guess I can´t do just a little, it has to be nothing at all - I feel like an alcoholic! Sugarholic may be the word I´m looking for...

There´s a great Swedish site, where you can turn a photo or picture into a cross-stitch pattern, it´s so great, check it out: Ditt Mönster (Your Pattern).

I have to actually cook dinner tonight, since I´m working all day tomorrow, and I need to pack lunch. I hate to cook...

so far, so good!

I´m Weightwatching, if anybody´s happended to miss that, since a week, and so far, it´s going swimmingly. I´ve been walking to and from work (an hour total), with a lot of hills on the way to, and I have followed the diet plan. I haven´t been eating candy or chocolate for a week, I had to give it up, because it was taking charge of me, and not the other way around - when given the choice, I´d eat a chocoate bar for a meal, instead of food, so the candy had to go. And it works really well, no cravings or anything. I´m so looking forward to loosing some weight, i´ve got clothes to wear, and the summer is coming, and I hate being fat in the summer. This time, I will continue until I´ve reached my goal weight - and then I´m going shopping! I can´t wait to have a closet filled with only great clothes!

lovely day yesterday!

I went to Stockholm with a friend yesterday, simply to enjoy the marvellous weather - it´s like summer! In April! Basically, we just took a walk, dropping into shops that looked interesting, and then we took the train home, when our feet had enough. Very nice! I found some really nice ballerina shoes at Indiska, cheap too, which I will buy (I hope) in the end of the month, a yellow pair, and a red pair I think. Or maybe green. They were soo lovely! And then we looked in the vintage shop "Old Touch", which have clothes from the end of the 19th century until the 60s/70s, with a lot of gorgeaus 50s clothes and shoes and bags and underwear... I will definately shop there when I fit into their clothes!
On Friday I went to Stockholm too, to find me some shoes, and I got a pair of Vans-copies from H&M, so cheap, and so nice, with red stars all over. When buying shoes this cheap, I definately can buy more pairs instead - what´s not to love about that?

this and that, with some hope to end it with

I´m hoping for some nice weather tomorrow (they´ve promised 20-25°C!), because I´m going to Stockholm - I thought I´d have more money than I´ve got, so I had planned on a real shopping spree, but I´ll have to limit myself to shoes, a great necklace at Indiska, maybe a spring-y nailpolish, perhaps a top, and some tights. And some swap things, not much, and not that pricy. I feel I need a reward for making the decision to start weight watching again, and clothes is just the thing I need, when my closet feels like a hopeless wreck. I hope to outgrow some things soon, and grow into some other things (I´ve got a pair of Prada jeans waiting for me!). But I need some pick-me-up:ers.

I agreed to work for a couple of hours tomorrow as well (which is actually kinda good, since I´m planning to walt to and from work, about an hour in total), not that good, is that I start at 6.30 am, and I need to go about 5.45. I know, I´m awake that early most of the time anyway, but I stay in bed - I don´t have to get up and work.

Hope my package from Karen in the Philippines arrives soon!

Hope the scale will show some minus on Sunday!

Hope that I find some really nice, cheap shoes tomorrow!

less spots for me!

 You might say that I´m a "spotty" person - I know I say it! I have these birthmarks and moulds all over, and they keep popping up. Some years ago, I removed three from my face (how I hated those three!), and a couple of days ago, I had two removed from my face, and one on my neck. I absolutely love it! It´s still got to heal, but the moulds are gone! I´m especially thrilled over the one on my neck (the one that was on my neck!), it was one of the ones with a stem, and children could not help pulling it. Well, now they can´t!
I know, this entire post was a bit of an over share, but hey, that´s me - like an open book. I guess you´ll just have to take it or leave it.

I hope it will become a book!

For the last five years or so, I´ve had this idea for a novel, and I began weiting on it  a couple of years ago, and after that, it´s just been lying there. And yesterday I finally brought it out, and wrote a few lines! I have my inspiration back - I even know who the killer is! I´ll try to write a bit every day, and maybe, just maybe it will be finished someday! And (fingers crossed) just maybe, I´ll even get it published!

what a nasty day I had!

Yesterday wasn´t the most pleasant day I´ve ever had in a while - possibly ever. I went to the hospital to do a gastroscophy, because of my stomach problems (I´ve had them for the last 16 years, you´d think I would have done something about it earlier...). It´s such a lovely procedure: first you don´t get to eat for six hours (I had an afternoon appointmen, which ment I couldn´t eat at all that day), then you get an anaesthetic sprayed into your throat (doesn´t help much, unfortunately), and then comes the tube, about 1 cm in diameter, which they puch down your throat and into your stomach. It was so discusting, and rather painful, and I almost threw up several times. I really don´t want to do it again - ever. They didn´t see anything wrong, but they took some tests, and I´m going to try some medication, to see if it helps.

On the bright side - later last nigh, my sister came by with a present - a grocery bag, packed with food (it´s a few days until payday, meaning my fridge/pantry is rather empty). I really appreciated it, both because she thought of me, and because I was rather hungry... Thanks Jessica - your an angel!

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