and another...

I´ve got a third swap on the way, with Rachele in Japan. She´s abroad until September, but that´s actually rather perfect, one swap a month keeps my purse a happy camper. I´m expecting a package in three weeks or so from Lizzy in Singapore, and there should be a package incoming from my SP in Canada sometime in August, and now Rachel in Japan. It feels like Christmas comes a lot this year. Not to mention my birthday (which is actually in September - perfect!).... Have I mentioned that I LOVE swaps?!

here we go again...

I´ve got a new swapping partner, Lizzy from Singapore, who promises me an all Japanese package, if I send her some Swedish stuff. Sounds like a good deal - Japanese is fun, Swedish is not, so for me that is good. On the other hand, Sweden might be very exotic abroad, with our reindeers, moose, polarbears on the streets (oops, that one´s a myth...), caviar on crisp bread, dancing "Små grodorna" ("little frogs") around midsummer poles, it all sounds quite strange... I´ll try to pick out the good stuff for Lizzy!

I showed you mine... I´ll show you hers! Charlene posted pictures from our swap on her blog, take a look if you want to see what I sent: She said she liked it, I hope she did.

the kindness of Charlene...

This morning, the mailman rang my doorbell while I was still in bed. I quickly forgave him, because he brought wonderful things! They looked something like this:16274-268

A great package from Charlene in California, containing two kinds of chocolate, two craft books, wasabi peas, a pink lunchbox and a gathering of Hello Kitty things - everything Japanese! I was very happy, and very excited - the Gimme Your Stuff-swap is absolutely great! I really recommend you people trying it! You may not get as nice stuff as this, but I can garantee it will be something lovely!

stalking the mailman?

No, not literally, I´m not creeping up on him, but I am waiting impatiently, not leaving the flat before the mail arrives. I am so eager to get my Gimme Your Stuff-package, it could arrive today, but it didn´t. So I guess I´ll be sitting by the letterbox next week too. It should come on Monday, or perhaps Tuesday. I´m so exited, I know it must be great! Charlene promised me Japanese craft books (she mentioned two...) and Hello Kitty, and she said something about chocolate in her last mail...

I´m crocheting a pink amigurumi elephant, I´m winging the trunk and ears, but I think it´s coming out OK. Unfortunately, I´m out of stuffing, so I won´t be able to finish it for a while. I´ll make it´s arms and legs, so it´s nearly finished when I get the stuffing. It´s so irritating, not to be able to finish what I´ve started!

hela världen kan läsa om mig!

OK, hela världen kan läsa om mig här också, men om ni går in på Gimme your stuff, så är jag veckans ambassadör!

it´s in the mail!

Charlene´s package that is! I put it in the mailbox yesterday, hopefully she´ll get it this week. I bought her some candy, Nici-things, beads, and then some. I´ll link you to her, if she posts pictures. I hope she´s happy with the package, I got as much stuff as I could for $35. I want her to feel spoiled, not robbed! I´m actually quite nervous....

I´ll give you mine if you give me yours...

I´ve got a swap going on! Charlene from San Fransisco has gracefully agreed to send me nice Japanese things, and I´ll try to give her somethings from here. It´s hard to picture anything you could get in Sweden, and not in the US, since it´s the land of Everything. I will try to do my best to please Charlene, and hopefully she´ll like it. I usually make a great effort to put together the perfect present, and hope to do so now also. It should be in the mail in the beginning of next week!
Need I to say that I love swaps?!

someone to swap with?

I´ve got a Gimme your stuff-offer from San Fransisco, who says she can provide me with Japanese stuff. I wrote to her, I´ll see if I hear from her again. I think I can get her some nice stuff too, so I hope we can make something happen! If you see this, Charlene, write me a line!

I just got to do it!

This sounds too good to resist, I got to do Gimme Your Stuff!

I´m in Sweden, so I can offer Swedish stuff, like:

- Swedish candy and snacks
- magazines
- crafty stuff - yarn, beads, fabric, patterns...
- food - spices, crisp bread, whatever that´s shippable.
- postcards, stationary, stamps...
- or if you´d like something else!

I´ve got a HUGE crush on Japan, so anything Japanese, please! Like:

- candy (I´m a vegetarian, so no beef, please) and treats
- craft magazines and books
- Sanrio and San-x stuff, I love Hello Kitty!
- stationary (cute cartoony ones - kawaii-style)
- crafty stuff: fabric, buttons, trims, yarn....
- Decole and Cram Cream
- or if you have any ideas, my taste is very kawaii.

Looking forward to a fun swap!

UPDATE: I have done a lot of swapping lately, and I am in much need of a time out. I won´t begin any new swaps until sometimes after Christmas, I need to spoil myself for a while, and I need to save up for a new tattoo. Unless someone has a tattoo to swap? Nah, just kidding!

gimme your stuff!

Hur kul det än är, så börjar jag bli lite less på SP8, det börjar bli svårt att hitta på bra presenter, och eftersom jag stickar näst intill ingenting nu, så känns det gammalt. Å andra sidan känns det säkert hur kul som helst i vinter igen.
Men det här, Gimme your stuff, verkar gigantiskt roligt. Det finns inga regler (mer än att man främst byter  sitt lands specialiteter), man skriver det man önskar och det man har att erbjuda, och länkar sedan till deras sida, och sedan hittar man någon (eller blir hittad) att byta med. Jag funderar allvarligt på det, för det finns en massa kul saker där ute. Jag skulle gärna vilja ha lite japanska prylar...

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