alice in wonderland returns

swapped cards

I made the cards for the Alternative Alice swap I´m hosting:

And I have finally caught up with making the extra card for me from all of the swaps I have done (I saw some people doing that, and thought it was a great idea, so I stole it...):

From top left corner:
- Triptych swap
- Marimekko swap
- Hieroglyphs, Runes and Ancient writing swap
- Kawaii swap
- Design-a-pony swap
- Queen of Hearts swap
- Join the Movement swap
- Pointy hats and crowns swap
- Under the Big Top swap
- Fans of Narnia swap
- Hoot hoot, an owl swap
- Alternative Alice swap
- Alice in Wonderland swap
- All things Egyptian swap
- Let them have wings III
and then there were the Oz with a twist, that ended up lost in the mail... Well, I didn´t manage to come up with an idea for my own card, so maybe that´s a blessing in disguise...
for a trade with Skumring

it´s been a while, but here´s a puttery treat!
*Cultivate the habit of leaving your dishwasher, washing machine doors and drawers open overnight in order to let the air circulate and prevent smelly mould taking a hold.
This is a treat that doesn´t take much work or thought for me - I always leave the dishwasher door open, because it´s the easiest thing to do - usually the dish will end up inside, and not in the sink. Usually, I said! And for cupboard/wardrobe doors - well, I don´t have much say there, my cats have decided that they are meant to be open, not closed, so that is how they usually are - open. I close them every time I enter my kitchen or bedroom, but the cats are there again every time I turn my back. I guess now I´ll see it more from the bright side: the air circulates, and it prevents smelly mould. Maybe I should appreciate the work my cats do for me from now on...

PS! I do wish the Vintage HouseKeepers Circle was up again!
And a quich treat: a 5 minute chocolate cake in a mug in the micro!
celtic zodiac, or are you a tree or a star sign?
Since I´m born in September, I´m a vine:

Or in a Swedish site I found, I´m a linden tree:
Lindpersoner är osjälviska. De bryr sig alltid om andra och deras bekymmer. De är väldigt bra på att ta hand om andra och är fantastiska föräldrar. Eftersom lindpersoner är så känsliga och hellre ger än tar lämpar de sig bättre för kreativa jobb än sociala. Det är viktigt att göra klart för dem redan i unga år att de måste vara sparsamma med sin energi.
Lindpersoners styrka är deras känsliga och delikata natur. Med sitt öppna sätt är de bra på att hörsamma personer i sin omgivning och att inbringa hopp i dem. De tror alltid på människans godhet.
Lindpersoners svaghet är deras mjukhet. De får ofta inte igenom sin vilja i svåra situationer. De flyr hellre in i sin inre värld. De löper dessutom risken att bli utnyttjade av mindre känsliga personer. Deras exakta sätt att tänka kan dock skydda dem.
Lindpersoner bokstavligen blomstrar i ett förhållande när de väl hittat en partner som förstår deras själ, är tolerant och ger dem mycket frihet. De skulle aldrig kunna stå ut i ett förhållande där den andra parten strävar efter dominans.
I don´t have the energy to translate, but in short: apparantly I´m caring, sensitive and creative. Well, the creative part is at least correct...
rather clever, I think!
queen of hearts my way

swaps and trades

And this morning I made cards for a trade with Chronata:

And yesterday I finished the cards for the All things Egyptian swap:

Looks like my cards for the Wizard of Oz with a twist swap has gone missing, so I won´t get any returns - too bad, I think! And it´s too late to make new cards and send in. I guess I´ll just have to find happiness somewhere else - like in my own swap! I´m hosting an Alternative Alice swap at, should be fun!
I´m such a Virgo!
Another thing I have been doing: I have seen that some people make one extra card in swaps, and keep it for themselves, and I thought it was such a good idea - sometimes I am really happy with my swap cards, and then I have to send them away. So I have been making cards for myself this last week, I have almost made cards for all of the swaps I´ve done so far. I think I counted 14! (I´ve only been active on for 3 months!) Now, I+m going to host a swap of my own, Alternative Alice - I can´t wait!
zetti style collages

Can you see which swap is which?
And there was an extra card, which is now for trade:

It was the first one I made, and it didn´s really fit in with the others.
alice and snow white zetti style

See the little dwarf in the Snow White card? It mysteriously appeared in my flat the other morning, I found my cat chewing on it, and I have never seen it before. I don´t have kids, so I have no idea how it turned up. I just knew it had to become an ATC!
lots of cheshire cats
I think I have my idea for a tattoo all figured out. I´ll use this pinup, and make it into an Alice in Wonderland, and then I´ll cover my old bird tattoo with a Cheshire cat. I think it will look absolutely perfect, and more importantly, it will be an image that has a meaning to me, not just a pretty picture. I don´t like the tattoos you make, just because you want a tattoo (such as my bird, and pretty much every tribal I´ve ever seen), I want it to represent who you are or what´s important to you at the time you´re making the tattoo. I got a scarab on my ankle from when I studied egyptology, and a ball of yarn on my wrist. Alice in Wonderland is a big thing for me at the momen, I love the surrealism of both the story and the imagery, and the whole look of Alice and the Wonderland is a big influence on my personal style. I´m also doing a girl chasing bats on my back, which is an hommage to my gothic past (and the past of my personality that´s still dark and very infatuated with vampires and death), stars on my arm for the kilos I´m loosing, and then I have to think about the rest. Because there will be more - I want at least both arms and my back covered.
All of this, just because I wanted to post some pics of the Cheshire Cat...
more runes for trade!