I hope it will become a book!
spring - is it the best feeling in the world?

diavox find!

It goes wonderfully with my black/white theme!
what a nasty day I had!
Yesterday wasn´t the most pleasant day I´ve ever had in a while - possibly ever. I went to the hospital to do a gastroscophy, because of my stomach problems (I´ve had them for the last 16 years, you´d think I would have done something about it earlier...). It´s such a lovely procedure: first you don´t get to eat for six hours (I had an afternoon appointmen, which ment I couldn´t eat at all that day), then you get an anaesthetic sprayed into your throat (doesn´t help much, unfortunately), and then comes the tube, about 1 cm in diameter, which they puch down your throat and into your stomach. It was so discusting, and rather painful, and I almost threw up several times. I really don´t want to do it again - ever. They didn´t see anything wrong, but they took some tests, and I´m going to try some medication, to see if it helps.
On the bright side - later last nigh, my sister came by with a present - a grocery bag, packed with food (it´s a few days until payday, meaning my fridge/pantry is rather empty). I really appreciated it, both because she thought of me, and because I was rather hungry... Thanks Jessica - your an angel!
free 50s patterns
Glamarama.net Free vintage knitting patterns
Knitting-chrochet.com Knit/crochet patterns, for children, women and men
Vintageknitting.net 1952 Bow tie shrug
Vintageknitting.net Three piece angora set
Chile con yarne Rib stitch hat
I was actually a bit disappointed - I thought I would find more free patterns when googling. But this is a start, however I will continue my search later (got to do the laundry now), among others, I hope to find me some sewing patterns.
And a little bonus, more cute than 50s - a crocheted cupcake!
apparantly a new obsession is sneaking up on me...
While I obsess at home, go browse on the net, you can start here:
Bernie Dexter (contemporary pinup)
The Antique Shop.com - Vintage Pinups
My house is cuter than yours
Brocante Home
I did some thrifting...
Last week I saw this beautiful glass bowl at a thriftshop here, for the wonderful price of 50 SEK (about $7). I didn´t have the money then, but I went back there today, and it was still there. So I snatched it! I can imagine it this summer, filled with strawberries, or perhaps with whipped cream, and the strawberries on the side. What do you think, a beauty or what?
I also crocheted quite a bit yesterday, and finished a square for my granny throw. 1 ball of yarn = 1 square turns out to be the perfect size. I´m 1/4 into my second square, but since I only have my three balls of yarn for a while, it´ll only be three squares, until I get payed in ten days. On the other hand, the great thing when making it, instead of buying one (even when the yarn cost turns our quite expensive in the end), is that I can spread the cost. I know, it would be the same if I would save up money to buy a throw, but the thing is - I can´t save, not even if my
japanese candy box memo pads
I ordered a couple of crafty books

click on the covers for links to Amazon!
I´m going shopping!
what a beautiful day it is indeed!
Last night I actually painted one of the walls in my livingroom, white of course, that´s how far the paint stretched. Now I only have three walls to go, none of which have windows or radiators - yay! But they are quite big, and I need to move my book cases (they are two, and FILLED with books). But one wall is done, and it feels so good!
It´s spring outside! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, it´s several degrees above zero. And I noticed that I need to clean my windows - I hate to clean windows...
I went up early this morning, and cleaned my apartment - if I have to do it (I should do it more frequently than I do), I prefer to do it in the morning - the sun brings out the domestic qualities in me, I guess.
And I got a wonderful swap package! I did a mini swap with Diane in New Jersey, just to get my hands on these babies:
and she didn´t sent just the knitting needles, but prety pink buttons and pink fabric (for my quilt-to-be) as well! Is she a nice person, or what?! Thank you so much, Diane!
bought the new issue

a busy little bee, that´s me!
I´m in a mood, at the moment, you might call it a decorating mood, or perhaps it´s just spring time. I just really want to make my place look white and fresh and nice, and I even feel an urge to clean (I hate vacuuming, but I´ve got a feeling I might do it when I get home anyway...). I want some nice flowers, I want to go to IKEA for fabric and carpet shopping (ok, not all white, black and white, but it will look good with the overall white theme!), I may even get busy painting (even though I only have paint for one wall). These last few days, I´ve re-painted a vintage sideboard, from brown to white, today I´m going through my book case, dusting and sorting out books, yesterday I went to my storage room to get some frames - oh, that was a nasty surprise! A year ago (or was it two?) our basement was flooded, and I thought I´d looked everything over. well, apparantly not, apparantly I haven´t touched my picture/painting box since I moved here, two years ago. Apparantly the box stood in the water, thoroughly soking it up, and now all my frames, all my pictures were ruined (I could save two, out of perhaps twenty). Most wasn´t that special, but at least a couple were irreplacable. I need to shop for frames too, and need to find me some art. Hmmm, a shopping mission... Ok, I might survive this...
I´m leaving you with some beautiful inspiration for spring:
Are you inspired yet? Click at the pics, and you´ll find my sources!
pin-up girls

A girl on flickr told me about the Cristel pin-ups, they are also really great, take a look!
pretty white country homes - links
An angel at my table
Lantliv i stan
Lazy afternoon chez Lisen
Spets och snor
Vita sinnen
Vintage house

Tasty, yes?

it feel so good to finish!
I´m an inspiration!

You can even go to her Etsy shop and buy her!
awaiting new knitting books

Click the pics, and you´ll get to Amazon!
I almost can´t believe it!