free at last (after tomorrow anyway!)!
Tomorrow is my last day at work, and I couldn´t be happier! One more eternally long day, filled to the brim with boredom, and me being irritated on my boss (I threw away two plates of merengues the other day - two month old merengues - and she told me it was the wrong thing to do, tell me - would you have eaten them?). I can´t wait to be able to go outside in the daylight, to have breaks during workdays, getting payed like a normal human being, having the time and energy to have a social life... One more day, and I´m free! I will definitely begin by staying in bed Friday morning!
one more week - yay!
I´ll work here one more week, and then no more! Yay! I can´t even begin to tell you how happy I am, not having to come here anymore! I´m working from 8 am to 6 pm, plus Saturdays, I have no breaks, I have no possibility to leave the house during the day, I get crappy payed... Do I have to say more? Why I took the job in th first place, you wonder? Well, it was a job, but I can´t imagine a better day than the day I quit, woohoo!
it´s here! my christmas package from Jody, it´s here!

Thanks Jody, it´s a great package, as always!
latest kawaii purchases
I just wanted to show you the latest additions to my stationary collection:

Memo pads and sticky notes.

Believe it or not, but most of these letter sets were bought in Sweden!
And these are the deco tapes I´m selling, $2 each, plus shipping:

Memo pads and sticky notes.

Believe it or not, but most of these letter sets were bought in Sweden!
And these are the deco tapes I´m selling, $2 each, plus shipping:

I got my camera yesterday!
And it´s so pretty, and though the colour on the box says "lime", it´s not, it´s more like sage, maybe. It´s a very pretty, spring-y green, that´s what it is. And it´s easy to use, the pictures are good (I snapped away last night, even though it was dark outside, and the pics are surprisingly good!), it wasn´t expensive - in short, I love it! So now I have added pictures on Ravelry, on flickr and on older posts at my blogs. Camera - yay!
fiber frenzy
I´m sorry I´m being somewhat quiet over here, but I have been bitten yarnbug again, and when I´m not over at Ravelry, I´m blogging at malinmerino. No worries, though, I will be back here, even though I may have an occassional fling, I´ll always come back to dandelion daisy!
countdown to money!
So I might have had more money last month than in a very long time - that doesn´t by no mean that there are anything left of them now. Unfortunately. But there are money on the way, both this week and next, I thought I had ordered more stuff thatn I actually had, and will pay all of those bills. And instead of ordering some knitting books (which I was going to do), I´m spending some money on yarn - now I´m knitting scraps, and re-knittng stuff, my stash is sadly empty. And I´m trading knitting books for yarn over at Ravelry, so yay - yarn! And that means that I´m sending three book packages on Thursday. I´m also picking up a Puppini Sisters CD, which has finally arrived (very pricy, but I think it´s worth the money), paying deco tapes, finishing a swap package. And I´m finally getting my green camera!!!!! Oh, how I will take pictures! There will be no part of my life that will escape me and my camera, wohoo! On Sunday I´m going to Stockholm, I´m buying yarn for a vegan swap (I think I know what to get), and I think there´s a knit café in the shop that day, which means I´m bringing my knitting. Only, I haven´t a knitting on the needles that are chat-friendly - the Bird´s Eye shawl craves total attention or I mess up completely. I need to buy yarn, before I´m going shopping for yarn...
deco tape auction won
I got these deco tapes for about 15USD, including shipping, absolutely a decent price I think (although not as cheap as the last one, where I got 60 rolls for less than $20), I´m keeping the cram cream tape at the bottom, and maybe the 4th from the top, I´m not sure whether I have that one or not. The rest will probably be sold over at flickr.

the final solution?
Could this be? Will this be the end of all of my struggles? Will I spend the rest of my adult life smooth sailing? What the heck am I talking about, you ask? Well, you know how I always try to loose weight (I have been since I was ten, so for 23 years), and in the end, I´m fatter than ever. But now, I´m going to get a gastric bypass or binding, all payed for and everything. I know, there are lots of risks with the surgery and afterwords, but I have heard of big successes as well, and I feel this can finally be the way for me to be thin (or at least thinner), and also - being my size, and with a family history of heart attacks, if I don´t loose weight, I might not see my 40th birthday. All I´m hoping for now, is that I get the operation soon - I´d love to be thin when I turn 35 in two years. Oh my, what amazing clothes I will wear!
And yesterday I did something I´ve been dreading for a while - I quit my job. I´ll work this month, and no more. I need extra money, but not that bad.
And yesterday I did something I´ve been dreading for a while - I quit my job. I´ll work this month, and no more. I need extra money, but not that bad.
lotta kawaii!
I had an out of body kawaii experience yesterday! No, not really, but there were lots of kawaii in the mail, I recieved 60 (yes SIXTY!!!) rolls of mostly Disney deco tape (half is to be given away, half is to be sold, three is to be kept), tree large thin rolls of deco tape (one cram cream for me, two to be given away), two lettersets (one for a swap, one to keep) and my order from Ilovekawaii arrived as well, two lettersets, two memopads and two kinds of tiny post-its. Everything oh, so cute! I placed a bid on another 12 rolls of deco tapes (some cram cream, some Disney), one or two to be kept, the rest to be sold. See, what a good person I am, sharing my great finds!
cath kidston swatches
Yesterday, I got some of the swatches I ordered from Cath Kidston, and they look wonderful, the fabric is nice and thick, the swatches are rather big, BUT - across them is a big fat "SAMPLE" stamped, which I think is a bit on the cheap side. I will try to wash them and see if it comes out, otherwise I´ll just use them in tiny projects.
treating myself to a good morning

Get up very, very early. Just you. Creep downstairs, light candles and drink coffee in the dark, melancholy silence of an early Winter morning.
I am truly a morning person, so this should be one of the BrocanteHome Puttery Treats I do every day, but I have to admit - it isn´t. I usually wake up very early (often with the help of my dear, I´m-sure-I-will-kill-them-any-day cats), but linger in bed for a couple of hours with the company of a good book - oh, how I love the warm bed, a purring cat and a good read early in the morning! But, the other day, one of the few days I have off from work, I woke up (maybe not as early as I normally do, but quite a bit earlier than I had hoped), feeling I couldn´t possibly stay in bed any longer. So I went up, made a cup of tea (I have bought a new teacup, I´ve been coveting it for so long, and now I´ve got it, it´s big (I love teacups big!) and there´s roses on it, and it´s hand made - it´s pure luxury drinking from it!), and pulled out a film on the DVD-player. A warm throw, a warm cup of tea, knitting in my hands and a good film - it was a very enjoyable way to begin the day - a moment of quietness and peace after the Chritmas rush. And the cats - they loved it, me being up, keeping them company instead of curling up under the duvet. And they really appreciated the early morning feed too...
And a quick update, if there´s anyone who´s wondering how my cold tin is coming along: I´ve found a very pretty vintage tin, it holds some children´s hankies (not vintage I´m afraid, but it´s a start), and a bottle of caugh syrup, so even if I´ve got a few more things to add, it´s coming along nicely! And judging my my sneezing and sniffeling, it´s right on time!
this was my 2007
Jenny of allsorts posted her year in pictures, and I thought it was a splendid idea, so I´m stealing borrowing it. In a way, it´s a bit of an anniversary - in December I have been blogging here for two years (I´m not counting the July 05 post, and so shouldn´t you either), hooray for me!
Ok, this is what caught my attention in 2007:
Also known as bento craze month - I bought, packed, wished for bento boxes.

I discovered the world of Posie, and an entire new outlook on colour and decorating.

Pinup month - the first of many! I brought out my inner pinup - now I´m doing a pinup tattoo on my arm!

I began Weight Watching, and lost quite a bit in the next few months, unfortunately I´ve gained it all back and then some. My doctor told me I should consider gastric binding, and I think I will go through with that. But in April, I was feeling confident in losing weight, and was thinking a lot about fashion, what I like and what I don´t. I like Dita von Teese!

Apparantly, I didn´t have much to say here, because I started my knitting blog:
This was a month of kawaii and swap packages, I did I lot of both!

Actually, I didn´t talk about anything but swaps here either...

Hmmm... all swaps here too - no wonder I feel I overdosed on swaps for a while!

It´s my birthday, so I did some bday saps, and I had some people over for my big day (how big it can get when I´m 33...). Picture the rolls of paper in the picture looking like balls of yarn, and this was my presents (yes, she said I could exchange the paper for yarn...)

This month brought back a brief crush on bentos, and more swap packages, so both in one picture:

I really got into the vintage housekeeping, and also re-discovered Cath Kidston and pinups. It was actually a quite fun month!

was all about favourites - apparantly I have a lot of them!

That´s my 2007 - quite one-sided, and it didn´t happen a lot, and definately a lot less pretty than Jenny´s year. Maybe a little promise is in place? I promise that my 2008 will be less about swaps and spending money, and instead I will do more crafting, personal development and vintage housekeeping! And have fun - 2008 will be a fun year! And I will go out and buy my green camera, so I can post more pictures of my own, instead of having to borrow them all over the net...
Ok, this is what caught my attention in 2007:
Also known as bento craze month - I bought, packed, wished for bento boxes.

I discovered the world of Posie, and an entire new outlook on colour and decorating.

Pinup month - the first of many! I brought out my inner pinup - now I´m doing a pinup tattoo on my arm!

I began Weight Watching, and lost quite a bit in the next few months, unfortunately I´ve gained it all back and then some. My doctor told me I should consider gastric binding, and I think I will go through with that. But in April, I was feeling confident in losing weight, and was thinking a lot about fashion, what I like and what I don´t. I like Dita von Teese!

Apparantly, I didn´t have much to say here, because I started my knitting blog:
This was a month of kawaii and swap packages, I did I lot of both!

Actually, I didn´t talk about anything but swaps here either...

Hmmm... all swaps here too - no wonder I feel I overdosed on swaps for a while!

It´s my birthday, so I did some bday saps, and I had some people over for my big day (how big it can get when I´m 33...). Picture the rolls of paper in the picture looking like balls of yarn, and this was my presents (yes, she said I could exchange the paper for yarn...)

This month brought back a brief crush on bentos, and more swap packages, so both in one picture:

I really got into the vintage housekeeping, and also re-discovered Cath Kidston and pinups. It was actually a quite fun month!

was all about favourites - apparantly I have a lot of them!

That´s my 2007 - quite one-sided, and it didn´t happen a lot, and definately a lot less pretty than Jenny´s year. Maybe a little promise is in place? I promise that my 2008 will be less about swaps and spending money, and instead I will do more crafting, personal development and vintage housekeeping! And have fun - 2008 will be a fun year! And I will go out and buy my green camera, so I can post more pictures of my own, instead of having to borrow them all over the net...