more kamio came!
Yesterday (or was it the day before?) my new Kamio stationary arrived, I´m so happy with it, stationary with a bear and a lion, and memo pad wiith a duck - so kawaii!
treats from shanghai!
Yesterday I got my package from Jo in Shanghai, a big bag stuffed with the best and the cutest things you could ever imagine. A whole bunch of Hello Kitty stuff, where the best one is a gorgeaus bento box with wild west motif, cutlery and bag, a pencil case that´s the cutest (very cram cream-ish), cram cream deco tape, a very nice pink floral bag, and lots more! I loved unpacking everything, and I can´t wait to show it to y´all! Thanks Jo, it´s simply lovely!

(I borrowed the pic from Jo - sorry, Jo, hope it´s ok!)

(I borrowed the pic from Jo - sorry, Jo, hope it´s ok!)
house of eliott, last season
I just bought the last season of "The House of Eliott" on DVD! Yay! And it was a lot cheaper than the previous two seasons! I can´t wait to get in front of the TV!
my cram cream collection so far

kawaii stationary shopping
Thank goodness for Internet shopping, since kawaii can be a rare thing here in Sweden (we´re more into minimalism and retro, ok, not me, not the minimalism part, but Swedish style is very clean and minimal, and sometimes quite boring - the retro feel saves it a lot of the time). I bought some Kamio stationary on Tradera, an auction site here, first a letterset and a memo pad, and now two more lettersets and a memo pad - lucky me, no one else wanted to buy it, so she put the rest of the stationary up for auction again, and that´s when I snatched it! And it was not expensive at all, even with the postage, so yay! I will show you pics later, but I can tell you it´s lettersheets shaped like animal heads (a lion, a bear, and a burger gear), and duck and mushroom memo pads, so cute!
I was supposed to work 1½ this afternoon, but they just called and called it off, feels rather good, actually, going all that way for not even two hours of work feels a bit much. But I miss missing the snack - I´m between money, since the money that I was supposed to get today didn´t come, and it´s four more days until payday, which means I´m hungry. But I get to go food shopping on Monday - yay!
I was supposed to work 1½ this afternoon, but they just called and called it off, feels rather good, actually, going all that way for not even two hours of work feels a bit much. But I miss missing the snack - I´m between money, since the money that I was supposed to get today didn´t come, and it´s four more days until payday, which means I´m hungry. But I get to go food shopping on Monday - yay!
busy morning
I don´t know what happened this morning, but I experienced a sudden burst of energy. First, I washed my windows, and then I brought out my sewing machine, and finished some things started: I did some sewing for a friend, I sewed backpieces onto two knitted cushion covers (the fronts have been lying, waiting, for over a year) and I made a "Chinese" dress into a top - a very good decision! I feel really good about myself, and I am not feeling the least bad for lazying around the rest of the day! Wonderful!
A package from China is on it´s way, and a package from Kentucky will be on it´s way soon!
A package from China is on it´s way, and a package from Kentucky will be on it´s way soon!
nice weekend
I had a really nice weekend. Friday night, we celebrated a co-worker turning forty, with plenty of good food, fun and games. Saturday I went to Stockholm with my sister, I didn´t buy anything, but found lots of nice things, but mostly it was good to spend some alone time with her, it doesn´t happen a lot. And Sunday I went to IKEA with a friend, they didn´t have what I wanted to get, but it was nice never the less. But it was a nice weekend!
showered with packages!
Sometimes when you ask, someone actually listen! Yesterday when I got home, I had three packages waiting, a book and some Kamio stationary from Tradera, and my last package from my sp8 pal in Canada - the most beautiful handspun white alpaca yarn, deliciously smelling soap, and some yummy, non-dairy chocolate with nuts, very, very nice - thank you Melanie!

I think it´s about time now!
I am waiting for three packages now (three!!), and I´m not getting any. The package from the Philippines has been on it´s way since March 30th (that´s 2½ month!), I really hope it will reach me, I would hate for it to be lost in mail. I also got two packages from Canada coming, one was shipped three weeks ago, one last week. I hope to have at least one of these packages in the mail when I get home! And, I´ve got two packages from Tradera on their way, one I hope to see today.
do I look fat in this?
I need to print this, and put it by my scale! This is not even close to me, yet, but in a year - you´d think this was me!

I think - hope - I will recieve a book package today, that´s very good, very anticipated, but - must there be such a high price to pay? Last night it hit me - struck me? - like a lightening bolt: my back went out, just like that. So I didn´t get much sleep last night, I was in PAIN, so this morning I went in search of a doctor, but with no luck. But I got myself some strong painkillers and some pain gel, and it feels a tiny bit better. But I don´t look forward to a few hours in a car tonight, and even more hours in the same car tomorrow - ouch! But - if there are books in the mail, that will make me feel a wee bit better.
am I not the lucky one?
I got my package from Sara in Minnesota, USA, a big bag filled with lovely things: fabric, cram cream, handmade bag and gecco´d cards, Vogue Knitting, candy... Everything was sooo nice! Thank you so much, Sara!

I lost another 1,8 kilos last week, which makes it two digits (and -7,1 kilos in total!)! It feels like that what seperates the big girl from the fat girl, which means I´m only a big girl now, yay! And accomplishments must be rewarded, so I just sent for the last season of "The House of Eliott", it should be waiting for me when I get home from Jämtland, where I´m going tomorrow - my youngest sister is graduating, my stepmom turns 50, and another sister turns 22 - all party, all the time, that is. And I can fit into my smaller jeans! Hopefully, more packages will be waiting as well, unless they all comes tomorrow, but somehow, I don´t think so.

I lost another 1,8 kilos last week, which makes it two digits (and -7,1 kilos in total!)! It feels like that what seperates the big girl from the fat girl, which means I´m only a big girl now, yay! And accomplishments must be rewarded, so I just sent for the last season of "The House of Eliott", it should be waiting for me when I get home from Jämtland, where I´m going tomorrow - my youngest sister is graduating, my stepmom turns 50, and another sister turns 22 - all party, all the time, that is. And I can fit into my smaller jeans! Hopefully, more packages will be waiting as well, unless they all comes tomorrow, but somehow, I don´t think so.
good stuff!
I put on my jacket yesterday, for the first time in a while, and it´s getting really baggy, and my jeans are literally falling off my hips - really good I think, especially since I´ve only lost about 6 kilos so far, and I can´t see any difference yet. Feels good - I love it when my clothes are getting too big!
I just saw a friend, for the first time in a while, and she´s having a baby! Totally unexpected, I must say. I have to find something absolutely adorable to make for her baby. Hmmmm....
I just saw a friend, for the first time in a while, and she´s having a baby! Totally unexpected, I must say. I have to find something absolutely adorable to make for her baby. Hmmmm....