mostely men
Yesterday, I was served such a treat (ok, not just me, actually anybody that walked by...) - this guy in carpenter pants (love those!), no shirt, nice body and plenty of tattoos working in teh street - very yummy! I kinda wished I had a camera, so I could´ve shared him with you!
Last night I saw Brokeback Mountain (I know, it´s getting rather old, I can´t believe i haven´t seen it before), and I cried like a baby - it was so sad in the end. For those of you who missed it, it´s about these cowboys (Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger, and I´m not a Heath Ledger fan, but here - so cute, they both were), who meet one summer up at Brokeback Mountain when they are herding sheep, and they fall in love. Since they can´t have eachother (it´s back in 1963), they meet in secret a few time every year, for the next 20 years, up at Brokeback Mountain, while they have wives and children back home. I sat the entire movie, waiting for the happy ending, and I´m not telling you how it ends, but I cried. And cried. And still now, when I´m writing about it, I still almost cry a bit. It was so sad, and so romantic, and really good - see it if you haven´t.

Last night I saw Brokeback Mountain (I know, it´s getting rather old, I can´t believe i haven´t seen it before), and I cried like a baby - it was so sad in the end. For those of you who missed it, it´s about these cowboys (Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger, and I´m not a Heath Ledger fan, but here - so cute, they both were), who meet one summer up at Brokeback Mountain when they are herding sheep, and they fall in love. Since they can´t have eachother (it´s back in 1963), they meet in secret a few time every year, for the next 20 years, up at Brokeback Mountain, while they have wives and children back home. I sat the entire movie, waiting for the happy ending, and I´m not telling you how it ends, but I cried. And cried. And still now, when I´m writing about it, I still almost cry a bit. It was so sad, and so romantic, and really good - see it if you haven´t.

another long time talked about swap
I´ve been talking about another swap with Yurippe in Italy forever, since last winter, and now it´s finally time - I´m putting together the last things for her package, and off it goes (in a couple of days, anyway). I know I´ll get some wonderful things from Yurippe, some bento muffin boxes just to mention a few, so I can´t wait! I bought her a couple of bento boxes as well, I only hope they will fit inside the package!
UPDATE: Later today: I just shipped Yurippe´s package - now it´s just the "wait-and-hope-she-liked-it"-part left. Hope she likes it!
On a completely different topic - I saw the new Harry Potter movie yesterday - very nice! Almost 2½ hours flew by! I had some complaints about things changed from the book, but overall it was really good! Oh, and one of my favourite books, The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper, is released as a film this fall! Yay!
UPDATE: Later today: I just shipped Yurippe´s package - now it´s just the "wait-and-hope-she-liked-it"-part left. Hope she likes it!
On a completely different topic - I saw the new Harry Potter movie yesterday - very nice! Almost 2½ hours flew by! I had some complaints about things changed from the book, but overall it was really good! Oh, and one of my favourite books, The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper, is released as a film this fall! Yay!
long time planned swap
Jody in Singapore and I have been talking about another swap for ages - since our first one in January. First, we decided to do several little swaps, and the we found out that we are both born in September, so it became a birthday swap instead, and the other day I sent her her package. I really hope she likes it, because I´ve put everything I found that I think she likes in it - since February! I can´t wait to see what she´s put in her package, because she´s done pretty much the same thing. I know I´ll get the best deco tape, with teeth, anyway.
just the weather
I woke up this morning to a huge thundering noise - the rain was pouring, and the thunder, oh, the thunder! It kept going all morning, and I thought I would stay in all day. Fortunately, the rain lightened up a bit in the middle of the day, so I made a bee-line for it. With my luck, I bet it´s raining cats and dogs when I´m going home!
me being whiney
My parents and dog were here these last few days, so they should´ve been good days. Unfourtunately they got a bit ruined by the fact that I got my period (I hate my period, I can´t wait for menopause!), and that my back is so bad, I just got to the pharmacy for some painpills. I blame my bed for my back, hopefully I´ll have a new bed withing two weeks (maybe even one!), so hopefully that will help a lot.
A woman owning a café asked me if I could work there for a while, I said I needed to think about it for a few days (there´s a lot of downsides with the job, the money is the only upside), and when I finally decided to take the job (the money!), she had already hired someone else. How typical.
A woman owning a café asked me if I could work there for a while, I said I needed to think about it for a few days (there´s a lot of downsides with the job, the money is the only upside), and when I finally decided to take the job (the money!), she had already hired someone else. How typical.
ikea shopping, yay!
I just came back from Ikea, it was going to be a short, short trip, a true quicky, but everything at Ikea takes a lot of time, so we spent 2,5 hours, instead of expected one hour. But - I got a few things I needed, and I got to borrow money, so I can get a new bed, a sofa and bookcases, just to name the top of the list - brilliant! I will get my bed for my birthday! It´s the best present I could possibly imagine (loads of yarn would actually be nice as well...), even if it´s from me to me. Yay!
one-track-mind on collision course
You know me - one-track-mind, that´s my middle name, but now my mind feels like it´s about to collaps! I can only uphold one interest at the time (that´s why I haven´t been blogging here much - I´ve been over at my vegan blog and my interiors blog mostly), and now my apartment, yarn/knitting and swapping is all fighting for my attention. I hope to go to Ikea soon, to shop for my apartment, and some white paint should come out of the trip as well, so hopefully that will calm down after that. And after Christmas I´m slowing the swapping down, and will only do a Secret Pal or Vegan Pal (both yarn related), so since that will bring the yarn/knitting and the swapping toghether, maybe my mind will be at ease. Who said that women were good at multi-tasking? Or is it me, do I have more than my share of testosterone? Do you want to know what else - I can´t look at the whole tv-screen at once, I have to focus at one bit at the time, usually keeping to the middle bit. Is it something wrong with my brain?
package from Portugal!
I just got my package from Margarida in Portugal, and it was lovely, so thoughtful. There were plenty of cotton fabric (perfect for my quilt!) and ribbons, lots of chocolates, and to top it all off - she sent me home baked cookies! Can you believe that?! They are going straight into the freezer - I´ve got a birthday coming soon! Thanks a lot, Margarida, I enjoyed everything so much!

hoping for a package soon!
My GYS package from Margarida in Portugal is on its way, hopefully I´ll get it this week! Exciting! I´ll send her package tomorrow, I have one more thing to buy, and then off it goes - hope she´ll like it!
I just found this really inspiring blog, I can´t understand a single word, but there´s lots of pics and tutorials, go take a look!
an entire day in bed!
Yes, that´s what I´ll do today - spend the rest of it in bed. And before you start reading things into it - it´s because I got my hands on the last Harry Potter book. Yay! When I get home, I´ll climbe into bed, and I won´t be getting up until I´ve finished it. Or to get to work, I have to be there at about 7 am tomorrow morning. I can´t wait!