gothic alice and villanous victorians
I made a card for a 1/1 trade, I hope she´ll like it:

I´m really having fun, making these gothic Alice cards! I also made two Victorian villains; Jack the Ripper and a Dracula card. Gothic cards are so much fun! I love the darker colour scheme, and since I´m in a Victorian mood at the moment, it fits right in!

I´m really having fun, making these gothic Alice cards! I also made two Victorian villains; Jack the Ripper and a Dracula card. Gothic cards are so much fun! I love the darker colour scheme, and since I´m in a Victorian mood at the moment, it fits right in!
magical cards and alternative cards
I´ve been painting cards for the Magickal swap all morning:

I´ve also recieved Donna´s cards for my Alternative Alice swap:

And I´ve come up with an idea for yet another swap, Victorian Villains (such as Jack the Ripper, Dracula, Dr. Frankenstein and his monster, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde...). Could be lots of fun!

I´ve also recieved Donna´s cards for my Alternative Alice swap:

And I´ve come up with an idea for yet another swap, Victorian Villains (such as Jack the Ripper, Dracula, Dr. Frankenstein and his monster, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde...). Could be lots of fun!
cards from chronata
Yesterday i got Chronata´s cards for my Alternative Alice swap. I´m still waiting for cards from six participants, and then I can swap them out!

lots of finished cards
I´ve finished the cards for Renmeleon and for the Gothic Alice in WOnderland swap:

plenty of painting
I´ve done several cards last night and this morning, but I don´t have any pics to show yet. I´m making cards for my 9/9 trade with Renmeleon (she´ll be getting Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz, Narnia, manga, and some other stuff), for the Magick swap and for the Gothic Alice in Wonderland swap (I´m really loving the last one - I´ve ventured into gothic Alices with my own Alternative Alice swap, but now they are getting even darker!). Fun, fun!
a little queen
I made this gothic Queen of Hearts for my trade with coffeelatte:

I´m also doing a 9 for 9 trade with Renmeleon, and I´ve only got 2 cards finished... I´ve got my work cut out for me! Not to mention the Magick swap I´ve signed up for. Fortunately, they due date is in November for that.

I´m also doing a 9 for 9 trade with Renmeleon, and I´ve only got 2 cards finished... I´ve got my work cut out for me! Not to mention the Magick swap I´ve signed up for. Fortunately, they due date is in November for that.
tim burton cards
I finally finished my cards for the Tim Burton swap. They are actually B/W, not sepia, but I took the pic last night, so the colours are a bit off.

cards from here to there
I´ve got my returns from the Kawaii swap:

I´ve made another card for queendebbee, because I really liked her new owl cards:

And the first cards have arrived for the Alternative Alice swap. The best thing about hosting, I think, Is that I actually get to see all of the cards (they look so much better IRL, even though they are lovely in photos as well!). And do you notice how there are four cards from each participant? One is for me, as a thank you! yay!

I´ve made another card for queendebbee, because I really liked her new owl cards:

And the first cards have arrived for the Alternative Alice swap. The best thing about hosting, I think, Is that I actually get to see all of the cards (they look so much better IRL, even though they are lovely in photos as well!). And do you notice how there are four cards from each participant? One is for me, as a thank you! yay!

alice for queendebbee
I made this for my trade with queendebbe:
alice zetti style
I´m trading queendebbee for another penguin ATC, and in return she wants an Alice card. I went ahead and made one, if she likes it, it´s hers, otherwise it´s for trade.

thank you so much karin!
I´ve been given my first ever award, from Karin of Nordic Craft, thank you! I´m so happy you like my blog! (if you take a look at my cathegories, you´ll see that there are more than atc´s - lots of crafting, among other things!)

Here are the rules for this award:
1. Put the logo on your blog;
2.Add a link to the person who awarded you;
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs;
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog; and
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
So I award these blogs:
1. BrocanteHome - a fabulous blog, dedicated to vintage housekeeping and how to put a rose lining on your life!
2. Mandy´s Magical World of Art - Mandy makes the most beautiful zetti ATC´s I´ve ever seen - truly inspirational!
3. Posie gets cozy - one of my favourite interior and craft blogs. Everything she touches turns magical!
4. Yvestown - a girl with good taste! And a great blog - I can´t wait to see how the new house in Belgium will turn out!
5. underebaraclara - the girl who got me interested in fashion again! A lovely blog, with pretty pictures and lots of good things to say!
6. Pink Friday - since I love decorating with colours, I´m in love with Lisa´s blog! Also, check her art out - beautiful!
7. Vintage Darling - lives the most gorgeaus vintage lifestyle, and shares it all with us!

Here are the rules for this award:
1. Put the logo on your blog;
2.Add a link to the person who awarded you;
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs;
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog; and
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
So I award these blogs:
1. BrocanteHome - a fabulous blog, dedicated to vintage housekeeping and how to put a rose lining on your life!
2. Mandy´s Magical World of Art - Mandy makes the most beautiful zetti ATC´s I´ve ever seen - truly inspirational!
3. Posie gets cozy - one of my favourite interior and craft blogs. Everything she touches turns magical!
4. Yvestown - a girl with good taste! And a great blog - I can´t wait to see how the new house in Belgium will turn out!
5. underebaraclara - the girl who got me interested in fashion again! A lovely blog, with pretty pictures and lots of good things to say!
6. Pink Friday - since I love decorating with colours, I´m in love with Lisa´s blog! Also, check her art out - beautiful!
7. Vintage Darling - lives the most gorgeaus vintage lifestyle, and shares it all with us!
swaps and returns
I´ve got the returns from the Fans of Narnia swap and the Wizard of Oz with a Twist swap (my cards showed up, and three lovely ladies agreed to share their cards with me!) - wonderful cards!

And then I did som morning painting. I painted the cards for the Baba Yaga swap, and the cards for the next swap I´m hosting, the Wonderland Tarot swap:

And then I did som morning painting. I painted the cards for the Baba Yaga swap, and the cards for the next swap I´m hosting, the Wonderland Tarot swap:

wonderland tarot swap
I´ve finally come up with an idea for my next ATC swap - it´s going to be a Wonderland Tarot Swap! I love Alice in Wonderland, I love tarot cards - how can it go wrong?
ETA: I just googled Wonderland and tarot, and apparantly, I´m not the first to come up with the idea, there are a Rider-Waite Wonderland tarot deck, pics of the cards here! There is also a deck in wood (wonderful illustrations!). (more wonderful wooden decks here!) A manga Alice tarot deck (but I didn´t get much AiW feel from it...)
ETA: I just googled Wonderland and tarot, and apparantly, I´m not the first to come up with the idea, there are a Rider-Waite Wonderland tarot deck, pics of the cards here! There is also a deck in wood (wonderful illustrations!). (more wonderful wooden decks here!) A manga Alice tarot deck (but I didn´t get much AiW feel from it...)
two swaps finished
I´ve finished the cards for two swaps, Favourite graphic novel/comic book swap and Take a ride on the Carousel of Dreams...

nemi for trade
I originally made this for the Favourite graphic novel/comic book swap, but I wasn´t completely happy with it, so I made another one for the swap, and will trade this instead:

And a really good thing: my cards for the Wizard of Oz with a twist swap finally showed up, and I will be getting my returns, with thanks to the kindness of my fellow cardmakers at And I came up with an idea for an Oz card to keep. So all´s well that ends well!

And a really good thing: my cards for the Wizard of Oz with a twist swap finally showed up, and I will be getting my returns, with thanks to the kindness of my fellow cardmakers at And I came up with an idea for an Oz card to keep. So all´s well that ends well!