dual personality? who, me?

Now, that my apartment is coming together, I can´t help thinking of how different the parts of me really are. My apartment is very white, a bit romantic, shabby, almost country (ok, not that much country). And the way I dress is closer to punk than to anything else (still, I can´t seem to outgrow that period of my life, even though I´m 33 next week - I´m so happy my generation is more open to alternative lifestyles than all the generations before!), maybe with a dash of goth. And not to mention my inside... Sometimes things goes on in my head, that really makes me question my sanity, and it´s not just me - if I mention some of the things I think of to friends/sisters, they look at me like I´m loosing my mind, and sometimes I actually literally freak them out (maybe it´s good that I´m writing some kind of detective novel, it helps to get some things out of my system...). Is it just me, or does all people feel this schizofrenic?

Postat av: Jody

Ah don't worry. i'm the same too- sometimes my friends give me weird looks when i ask them some stuff. (: you're not the only one!

2007-09-08 @ 06:50:37
Postat av: Lisa

Jag har haft liknande funderingar tills jag läste ett hemma hos reportage om en bloggvän som sa
"Jag har ingen speciell stil." Då klickade det till och jag tänkte Nä, just det! Man behöver inte ha EN speciell stil, eller ens en speciell STIL. Om du förstår hur jag menar. Jag bara omger mig med saker jag gillar. Lite vitt, romantiskt, färgglatt, modernt, gammalmodigt, retro...

2007-09-09 @ 11:29:28
URL: http://mittlillahus.blogspot.com

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