gone! it´s all gone!

I´ve been reading the BrocanteHome Chronicles from post nr 1 these last few days, I´ve only read the first five or six months, but it´s enough for me to feel left out, why didn´t I discover them four years ago? There are so many fun things, that isn´t nomore, like the Vintage Housekeepers Circle
( Where as a member of the circle, you would...
- Create domestic bliss with our Vintage Housework rituals.
- Find time for the gentle art of puttering.
- Escape from chaos and learn how the Brocante Home-Makers Planner can change your life.
- Understand the peace of ritual and the blessing of a home that is truly authentically yours.
- Learn how to infuse your day with tiny joys and make your home sing with soul, history and happiness.
- Take delivery of beautiful hand tied letters and vintage care packages sent with love from BrocanteHome. )
which doesn´t exist anymore, the Gazette, the link directory (featuring
All About BrocanteHome.
A quick explanation of what BrocanteHome is all about and a link to a downloadable copy of The Vintage HouseKeepers Manifesto...
Alice About The House.
A place where dear little Alice, housewife extroadinaire, will root through her vintage housekeeping bibles and come up with the kind of old fashioned housekeeping tip's your Mother forgot to tell you...
The Childrens Encyclopedia.
This area will feature articles taken from vintage childrens encyclopedias and will I hope eventually become a place where you can find good old fashioned inspiration for entertaining the kids...
The Comfort Drawer.
Here you will find all kind's of silly old fashioned stuff and nonsense designed to make you smile: this week, there is a hilarious knitting pattern, that I think you'll find, that even those of us who can't cast on, will find amusing...
The HouseKeepers Bookshelf.
The bookshelf will feature all those books, I, The Vintage HouseKeeper, couldn't live without, as well as links to the vintage housekeeping bibles of your dreams...
HouseKeeping Horoscopes.
Just for fun. But if you haven't met Madame Feather before, I promise you that before too long, you will wonder how you ever got through life without her...
Retro Recipes.
Scrumptiously, here you will find a whole collection of recipes, taken from any number of vintage sources, from Mrs Beeton to Woman's Own...
And finally, Vintage Site Of The Month...)... Just to name a few. And because I only discovered BrocanteHome a few months ago, I missed out of all of that fun. However (fingers crossed), Alison of BrocanteHome says she will start up the Gazette after New Year´s, so I´m hoping for that one. For now, I have to settle for the Chronicles and the Salon (aka the forum), and that´s not too bad either.