retired? me? can you believe it?!
Do you believe me, if I tell you that I retired from Gimme Your Stuff? I´m sure I don´t have to tell you that it became quite all consuming, it took all my time and all my money, and became a true obsession. Now I´ll just finish my swap with Pei (don´t know if it still counts as a GYS swap, after three times...) and do my swap with Shikin in Singapore, and then I´ll try to use my money for something more useful (according to my sisters...). I know I want more tattoo´s...
Postat av: Christine
I am writing to you because I think you were supposed to do a swap with Mayumi, weren't you? Did you? Could you let me know if you already swapped with her and if you received her package? We sent our packages in the end of Sep, nearly 8 weeks ago and I didn't receive anything. I haven't heard from her either but that's probably because she's still in Japan. I'd just like to know how long her package took to arrive. Hope you don't mind my asking!
Best regards, Christine